Living your most healthy life.

Month: September, 2014

Today’s workout

I meant to post this last night, but didn’t feel like resetting my password. Sue me. 

I decided to do my workout at home, and was excited to see that one of my favorite YouTube fitness channels, Body Rock, had posted new real time workouts. The goal is to add the previous days workout to the new one, so on day 2 you’d be doing  two videos, day 3, two videos, etc. I was decided to do two videos since they were only 12-13min workouts, and wasn’t disappointed. There’s no music, so feel free to have your favorite workout mix playing in the background. I did substitute some moves (e.g. jumping jacks for skipping rope, high knees for burpees), definitely make the workout your own if need be. This challenge is great because a lot of their videos do 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, while this was 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. May be more doable for those of you who are a bit intimiated by the BodyRock crew.

Also, I ate pretty well yesterday! Lots of veggies, could do with less carbs, BUT they were whole wheat (LOL). Definitely a work in progress.

I’ll post the videos below, let me know if you try them!



Operation: Snatch Back

I really didn’t want to write this post. I mean really didn’t want to. 

One, it forces me to deal with my shit.

Two, vulnerability. That’s such a cringe worthy word, even typing it I’m like “yeesh!” Vulnerability is the thing all of us need to work on, and very few of us manage to do. In the age of social media, we’re flooded with images of our peers who seem to be flourishing and living well. Aside from the TMI folks, very few of us share the difficult aspects of our lives publicly, because that crap isn’t fun and who wants to be the Debbie Downer? 

A couple months ago, I wrote a post about getting sidetracked on your health journey. It covered not beating yourself up, reevaluating your goals and approaches, and jumping back on the bandwagon. That was June. It’s now September, and those extra 20lbs I mentioned have now creeped up another +5 lbs. 

*looks away sheepishly*

It’s hard guys, this shit is really hard. And a lot of the times it sucks. Not an excuse, but a reality of the process. A lot has happened between June and now (a story for a later date), but I think I’m finally fed up with my own crap to pull it back together. 


photo (2)

my new “before” picture

This is the beginning of a series which will chronicle my efforts to lose these gnarly 25ish lbs. I’ll be posting workout reviews, some of my personal routines, food stuffs, and other tidbits along the way. If you have suggestions of what you’d like me to cover, shoot an email to: or leave it in the comments. 

If anything, I hope this helps someone as much as it’ll help me. 

Let the journey to re-snatchment commence! 



No time? No Excuse!


One of my favorite exercises to do when I’m short on time are Tabata workouts. Tabata is a form of HIIT training which involves 20 seconds of high intensity work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. You do this for 8 rounds to complete a total of 4 minutes of work. Tabata is great when doing interval training, because many times HIIT workouts will have you doing 50-60 seconds of work followed by 10-20 seconds of rest, which can seem like a long time. But with a Tabata workout, 20 seconds flies by!

I did a tabata workout yesterday while at the gym and used my Gymboss Interval Timer (free in the app store) and did the following for a 20 min workout: 

  • Squats with a 25 lbs kettlebell
  • Jump squats on an elevated step
  • Ball slams with a 14 lbs weighted ball
  • Burpees with 14 lbs weighted ball

You would do each exercise for 8 rounds before moving on to the next to the move, for a total of 20 mins. 

And if you don’t have 20 minutes? Take out a move and you can cut the routine down to 8-12 mins.


